Enter Detective mode to see where he is and Batarang the question mark under the cage where he is held (in our case it was the leftmost question mark) Jump to him and release him. He will be "shuffled" into one of three cages. William North is sitting tied up on the other side. You will come upon a room where the M.P.T. Break through the wall with the green question mark painted on it. The 2nd hideout is located South East of the church. Rotate the Left wheel to "DARK" and the right wheel to "NESS" SECOND RIDDLER HIDEOUT Secrets Needed: 80 Your objective now is to rescue the hostage from the second riddler room. Riddle #3 The more there is, the less you see. He will give you the next frequency: 6-2-5 9-2-5. Reach the elevator and use the Batarang to press the remaining switches so that it rises, the glide down from the elevator and rescue the hostage. Use Batarang to hit question marks on the far walls to de-electrify the next squares and keep hopping through the safe spots. You have to navigate through electrified squares on the floor. Medic Adam Hamasaki is tied up on a platform above. Go through the doors with the green question marks on them. Find a wall with green painted question mark on it and smash it. The next hostage will be in the First Riddler Room. If you dont have enough, Riddler will tell you its too soon, and you will be instruccted to find more Riddler secrets to reveal the location of the next riddler room. FIRST RIDDLER HIDEOUT You need to have found a certain number of secrets to gain access to the next riddles. Rotate right wheel to have "RET" on the left. Rotate the left wheel to have "SEC" on the right. Bang! Bang! Order in the court Riddle #2: If you know me, you'll want to share me but if you share me, I'll be gone. Use the Enigma machine to solve the riddle and locate the next hostage.

The MPT will also give you an Enigma machine. Use your cryptographic sequencer to decode the broadcast. He will tell you some numbers: 2-7-5 3-2-5. Again, there will be a Riddler Informant (green) amongst them, make sure to keep him alive and interrogate him for more secrets.

Riddler secrets will now get added to your map: Church/Medical Center, Park Row. Once you have taken down all other thugs, you will now be able to interrogate Riddler's informant. Make sure NOT to hurt the Riddler informant. Dont attack them, instead just COUNTER their attacks while you defeat all other thugs in the area. Take out all thugs EXCEPT Riddler informant to interrogate him. When you go outside, there will be a party of thugs waiting for you.
Download known riddler associates to your batcomputer. Your objective now is to rescue the hostage from the courthouse. Find the Organ on the far edge of the church. Riddle #1: I am an instrument whose music always comes from the heart. He will give you several conundrums to answer. He will tell you he took the medical team hostage, and that you need to answer his riddles if you want to save them. Instead, you will see the Riddler on the screen above. When you enter the church, there will be no sign of the medics. Head back to the church to see whats going on. You can also use this to grab enemies and explosive objects connecting the two together makes for a nice finishing blow.After leaving the Medical Center in the church and going to GCPD, you will lose contact with the Medical Team. Target each end of the walls in the room (RB or R1) to create a zip-line and then grapple up to it. This allows Batman to grasp onto two objects and create a zip-line.

After the fight’s conclusion, you acquire Deathstroke’s Remote Claw. Once his health reaches critical levels, you’ll witness a cinema. Although it’s largely similar to the previous scenarios, take note you’ll have to counter three of his attacks. Phase three has Deathstroke bring forth his sword. The good thing is, you’re capable of dodging this and throwing it back at him. This tool gives Deathstroke the capability to grab Batman and detach an explosive to his rope. Most of his threats are the same, but he also brings forth the Remote Claw. When you inflict enough damage to him, Batman will rip off Deathstroke’s helmet.

Also, prepare for his pouncing attack – you need to rapidly press Y or Triangle to block his series of strikes. Deathstroke can also be grabbed and pulled with your Batclaw to make your attacks more effective he’ll be in a daze upon doing so (for the moment). For most of your attacks, you’ll need to keep an eye on the button cue and counter attack. At the start, wait for him to attack, then evade and counter. Deathstroke will counter most of your offensive strikes.